
Friday, December 2, 2011

Snow villages again...Now THIS is what I'm talking about!

Oh my goodness gracious!  You MUST click on this link because there are several pictures of FANTASTIC Christmas snow villages.  I began collecting the Lemax brand several yrs. ago, as I said in yesterday's post.  To date I have 7 structures and a couple of trees and a figurine or two----so I have room to grow, shall we say?   Although I'm not planning to incorporate a train set, I HAVE been fascinated with THOSE since I was a little girl.  Again, I just loved seeing how some folks created entire cities around a train set.  I'll let these pictures speak for themselves, as they leave me more inspired than I can tell you:


  1. Have you ever been to Cynthias' Hallmark in Greenfield? MASSIVE Christmas village there. :) My mom has collected houses for like 20 yrs now; we used to get her a house every xmas but she has too many honestly. Her village rocks when she sets it up. Like, one year, I got her a hospital. Oh, Moneyhun's in Anderson has tons of awesome houses, even a Halloween section! I love those! :)

  2. Mandi...NO, I've never been to either place,but now that I'm aware of them, I'll be sure to check them out sometime! I love the villages, but not sure I have the creative spark necessary to make them anywhere as awesome as the pics I've shared here on my blog!

  3. That Christmas snow villiage is beautiful!

  4. I just gave you an award!
