
Friday, October 14, 2011

Making every day grand

     I've only got one grandchild of my own, but when I married my husband 4 months ago, I gained a bonus of 5 more grandkids.  Doug's whole family has embraced me so warmly, but the grandchildren really bring a special kind of joy to my life.  I've yearned for this. 

     If you'd been reading this blog and/or my Facebook page(s), then you know that I've been very busy baking in preparation for an event this weekend.  I've spent entire days in the kitchen, cranking out goodies and am completely exhausted, but also excited to see the feedback for my products. 

     This week Grand Parent's Day celebrations for Korey, who's in Kindergarten, and for Julia, who is in 4th grade took place on two separate days.  We're still waiting to hear if and when the schools that Lindsey, Ben & Nick will hold their Grandparent Day events ~ we'll be there!   Moments in life such as these are the ones we never regret showing up for.  I'm so glad I pushed work things around to make the was definitely worth every single minute.

This is Korey's artwork

We learned that Korey's "job" is classroom "Messenger"

Showing off the book Papa bought her from the book fair

Decorating picture frames for Grandparents Day
                                 Finished masterpiece!

    The following day we went to Julia's classroom, which was overflowing with grandparents!  The support in that room was truly lovely to witness.  Not everyone is so fortunate to have their grandparents in close enough proximity to allow for visitations such as this, and even that does not guarantee that one is fully present and engaged. 
     The children "interviewed" us, which was hilarious.  They asked a short series of questions, such as what year we were born.  When I answered 1958, Julia wrote down 1858.  I said, "I'm old, Julia, but not THAT old"!!  We were given a booklet in which the children described a favorite memory between them and their grandparent(s). 

PapaDawg was caught snitching one too many treats, lol!

      It was heartwarming to read her recollection of her first overnight stay in our new home.  I'm looking forward to so many more special times together!

The artwork on the cafeteria walls was amazing!

We got to eat lunch with Julia

Supporting another book fair!

Julia with her Aunt Summer & Grandma Marietta

"The laughter of a child is the light of a house"

Author: African Proverb

     Thank you, Ben & Nick, Lindsey, Julia and Korey for allowing me into your lives and for bringing such joy to mine.  As family dynamics have changed over the generations, I still believe that we all have room in our life for someone to support, love and guide us.  While I'm just a *bonus* grandmother, I  hope these youngsters will always know that I am here for them and they will always have a place in my heart. 


"Those gasps of astonishment, those shrieks of pleasure, those sighs of delight, lost long ago when your children grew wise and wordly ~ are suddenly given back to you by your grandchildren. What seems to be the same small hands clutch yours, dragging you from one excitement to another ~ "Look! Oh, look! come ON!""




  1. Loved this post!! Glad you enjoyed Grandparent's Day at East! :) I love that cafeteria there! I'll let Ben and Nick read this later tonight. :)

  2. I really love the title. The idea of making everyday grand appeals to me. It's absolutely where I am right now. Thank-you!!! Enjoy the week.

  3. Thanks, Mandi...I was hoping the boys would get a chance to read this ;-)

  4. Athelda, Thank you so much for your comments. I love getting feedback as I'm still so new to blogging. I'll be looking at your blog too!

  5. What a heart warming post!! Congratulations on your marriage and your new family! It looks like it was a great day and I loved reading the little note from your granddaughter. Priceless. I think it needs to be framed for posterity. :)

  6. Zany Housewife, thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post and for your lovely comments.
    This new family is really awesome and I truly feel so blessed by them all. I have plans to put Julia's note in a scrapbook, but I like your idea of framing it--so maybe I'll frame it AND put a COPY of it into a scrapbook. She would honestly just love it if I took the time to frame/display that ;-)
    All the grandkids are so sweet...again, I'm really blessed.
