
Sunday, September 18, 2011

My baked goods ARE for sale ~

I've been making fudge for at least 20 years.  Yes, I realize how that dates me, but don't distract me---I'm trying to make a point here. 

When my boys were growing up, I was a stay at home mom, but I once I began giving fudge as gifts during the holidays, many said it was the best fudge they'd eaten, OR another common statement was that it was JUST like their mom or grandmother had made through the years.  I tested the water a little and started renting booths to sell the fudge at area church/school bazaars and craft shows. *Side note:  I did win a ribbon at the Boise State Fair one year for my chocolate fudge---I did enter the peanut butter fudge as well, but for whatever reason I wasn't able to snag an award for it.   Back to the bazaars; I never came back home after an event with much, if any, leftover! I think that speaks for itself.

The idea was kicked around several times through the years that I should open a candy store, or a bakery.  I've always loved the thought, but wasn't sure about logistics.  Would people really buy these goodies year-round?   In the end,  I turned my creative side into a business selling gift baskets & balloon bouquets for all occasions.  My clientele of 3000 was a mixture of corporate and private consumers and it all managed to keep me busy, VERY busy, for 11 years.  I loved owning my own business and to this day, there are still aspects of it that I miss.

I continued to make fudge at Christmas time and shipped as gifts to family members who lived out of state.   A prerequisite to attending  functions our family was invited to in the Winter season was that I'd better show up at the door laden with tins of fudge.  Well, maybe I'm exaggerating here, but not by much!   I discovered that if I happened to come down ill or just found myself too busy on any given year to make 30 or so pounds of fudge, I HEARD about it.  I think people came to expect it, but more importantly, it did not feel like the holidays for myself, either, if I wasn't preparing all those goodies.  I'd created a tradition, at the very least. 

My life took a different turn 6 years ago and I sold the business first.  Then I moved.  Several times, in fact.  Too many times.  I kind of stopped cooking and baking for a while.   I will spare you all the details in between, but now I've got oodles of time on my hands and a supportive husband and extended family who are encouraging me to give my original pipe dream another go.

Once again I'll be mass producing treats and selling at area events.  When I book an event, I will post the details here on my blog (maybe there is a way I can set up a calender here?)  so anyone local will know where they can buy the goods.  Or, just follow your nose....

If you can't wait till I set up a booth somewhere, I've posted a (partial, at this point) list of the treats I bake and cost on this blog.  Just go to the Home page & click on the tab at the top left that says Order form.  Contact info. is there as well.  Now, put me to work! ~

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