
Friday, September 9, 2011

Fall Creek Heritage Festival

    This is my favorite time of year.  The temperature starts to cool down & as the leaves begin to fall off the trees, we hear them crunch under our feet when we walk park trails, admiring nature's color changes.
    I love the smells of Autumn too ~ it's time to turn the oven on again & bake all kinds of wonderful treats that we will serve with heartier fare than we dished up in warmer weather.  But we'll talk food later.  Have no fear. 
    Today I also want to share my love of Fall festivals, bazaars, craft fairs or whatever else they may be called in your neck of the woods.  Actually, I enjoy these events year round.  I've been anxiously awaiting the first of this season, which we attended today.  It was held at Falls Park, in the charming town of Pendleton, Indiana.

As you walk into the park

The park was SO beautiful, we both can't wait to add it to our places to walk & explore.  We got caught up in our lovely surroundings and taking pictures that we had to remind ourselves we were here for another purpose. ~ We were here to hit up the yard sales!    We saw several in the area; homeowners wisely taking advantage of the crowds. 

We BOTH loved this chalk board that Doug spotted.  It's now hanging in our garage.

At garage sale #2 I found THE perfect item for one blank wall in my can't see it here, but those are French wine bottle labels.  ~

Time to get back on track.....

Oh boy, I see the vendor booths!

The first thing I spy is a food booth (naturally), selling breaded tenderloin sandwiches.  After walking the ENTIRE fair, I do purchase what turns out to be THE best tenderloin I've ever had, for the best price at this particular affair. 

It started to rain just as we finished walking the rows of vendors.  This fair runs through tomorrow.  I do plan to be back next year & I'll be hoping that the tenderloin vendor returns as well.


  1. Wish I could've checked this fair out, never did when I lived over that way. :( Love the chalkboard!

  2. Mandi, you really should go next yr., if schedule allows. That park is lovely & there are also vendors downtown...I guess it's another, smaller fair. The yard/garage sales around town were just a bonus; I actually didn't buy ANYTHING at the festival other than that delicious tenderloin.
