
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Comfort Food

    I think we all experience times when we get down and could use some comfort.  Nothing really takes the place of human comfort, whether from family or friends, but that isn't always possible.  As I said in another post on this blog, family (and friends) nowadays are more often than not separated by miles.  That can make it challenging to stay in touch, let alone extend a show of support or comfort.  It's not impossible, though.  If we truly care, we WILL find a way.  As the saying goes, "where there's a will, there's a way". 

    There are some things going on behind the scenes in my life that have made me pretty emotional these past few weeks.  It's reached a crescendo, really.  I guess that's part of the reason I'm sitting here writing this.  I thank you in advance for letting me vent a little.  And there WILL be a recipe at the end of this....I promise.

    My husband, God bless him, is the one who comforts me the most, and he's very, very good at it.  He listens.  Sometimes that's all it takes.  Just an ear.  Now that doesn't cost a dime, but it DOES take a little time.  Everyone's busy these days.  ALL of us.  I can tell you that as I've gotten older, it sure *does* feel like time goes faster.  It shouldn't be an excuse, though, to not extend ourselves to someone else.  We may have to think outside the "box" or even change our priorities ~ but I believe that we'll regret far more in our lives than those opportunities we took to help another person out.

     One of my sons lives part time in the UK, with his wife and my only grandchild, his daughter.  Skype has been a Godsend.  In addition to email and facebook, he and I can communicate and stay updated via webcam.  Now that my precious granddaughter is a year old, I'm looking forward to interacting more with her on the webcam.  Jason and his wife have been great about posting pictures and videos to their facebook account so that all of Jason's family in the states can watch Fiona grow from afar.  Speaking for myself, it does ease the pain of not being able to physically have contact with my granddaughter.

     The webcam and texting have helped me stay connected with my younger son, Tyler, who along with Jason is attending college in California.  I'm in Indiana.  I'm also unemployed, otherwise most of this article wouldn't apply.  I'd hop on a jet and hug my boys in a heartbeat.  I'd also be in the UK before you could say UK.  I've wanted to visit long before Jason had a family there; he tells me I'd really like it. 

     Postage rates continue to climb, while their service declines (sorry, I digress........), yet there are sites that allow us to send e-greeting cards for holidays and special occasions.  Again, it's not quite as nice as opening your mailbox and discovering something sweet versus a bill, for instance.  The end result is the same though, in that the other person feels the love.  An unexpected phone call just to say hello is ALWAYS nice, but even more appreciated if the other person happens to be under the weather, emotionally OR physically.
My perspective is that it takes just as much time to do nothing as it does to do *something*.  Anything.  Just don't make excuses. 

      I'm really "old-school", as my husband likes to say, in that I like to walk a batch of cookies over to my neighbor for no reason.  If someone I knew was ill, I'd prepare a casserole for their family so figuring out a meal would be one less concern.  You don't have to go to that extreme though, to show you care.  That's really what I'm talking about here.   

     Life is short.  My husband, Doug, has lost two good friends in the past couple of months.  Makes one pause and reflect.  Family nor our friends should ever feel alone.  Ask yourself if those you are blessed to have in your life KNOW how much they mean to you.  How you show that is up to you, but there is no telling what a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, a surprise phone call, could mean to someone who is in need of comfort.  And we do not always know when another needs solace ~ so why not just approach our loved ones across the board as if.  There isn't any reason to wait for a moment of distress.  We have the power of love with us, always.  ~ Food for thought ~

    I'm still hoping that some very important people in my life will wake up, to be quite frank.  Until then, I do have my boys and my husband and his family, who I adore.  I nurture myself in many ways, just one of which is comfort food.  A favorite that mentally takes me back to when I was a child is Ham & Bean Soup (with cornbread, naturally!).  I'm sharing my recipe under Soups.  The cornbread was posted under Sides a short while back.  I hope they bring warmth to your kitchen and your soul. 

    Blowing blessings your way!
 ~~ Shelly




  1. My wife is so sweet and caring!....she honestly deserves happiness for she has a heart of gold....I'm going to do all that I can to see that she is "comforted" for the rest of my life

  2. Oh my never cease to make me cry tears of happiness <3 Love you!

  3. Your post brought tears to my eyes. We have so much in common...I just can't believe it. I won't go into my story right now, because my focus is on yours. All I can say is I empathize with you and all you have going on. I can totally relate. My daughter is in Portland, OR. I miss her and my grandson who is 7, terribly. I haven't seen them since last summer of 2010. Just too long. Thanks for sharing your heart and your trying times. It's so nice to have sincere "real" friends in the blogging world.

  4. Kimberly, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm sorry to read that you're experiencing the pain of missing your child and grandchild as well. It is hard, isn't it? I haven't seen my oldest (22) in at least 2 yrs., and my youngest (19) since he graduated HS in June 2010. I will be a regular follower on your blog, and look forward to getting to "know" you better & perhaps even becoming online friends!
